Our Right to Utopias


  • Roberto Esteban Cordero Araúz Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica




utopias; alienation; critical thinking; Latin Americanism; resistance.


This article had as objective to study, analyze and present the concept of utopia in the thought of Horacio Cerutti Guldberg. This concept resulted from the elaboration and development of a Bachelor’s degree thesis in Philosophy. Among the main results, we found that Latin American thought is an under construction fabric, its scope and limitations are defined, expanded, and complex despite the time, fruit of the committed memory of the region. However, the roots of this thought are still the inspiration and starting points for current analyses of regional contexts. Therefore, in order to think "our right to utopias", the reflection advanced implies the assumption of critical and renovating awareness of the problems that have arisen up to the 21st century. To dare to think, as Latin Americans, from our reality and looking for our own non-universalist answers, implies the commitment of thinkers in all areas of knowledge in order to overcome mentalities alienated to the colonialist hegemonic systems. That is why rethinking and appropriating this right is a fundamental part of assuming and overcoming the challenges we face today.



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How to Cite

Cordero Araúz, R. E. (2019). Our Right to Utopias. New Humanism Journal, 6(2), 27. https://doi.org/10.15359/rnh.6-2.4



Humanismo y sociedad

How to Cite

Cordero Araúz, R. E. (2019). Our Right to Utopias. New Humanism Journal, 6(2), 27. https://doi.org/10.15359/rnh.6-2.4

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