Persons Deprived of Liberty: uncovered issues.


  • Helen Marenco Rojas Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Juan Diego Gómez Navarro Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Doriam Chavarría López Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica



persons deprived of liberty, artistic expressions, living together, reintegration



This article corresponds to the project called "Culture of Peace and Artistic Expressions with persons deprived of liberty in the Institutional Care Center "Calle Real" of Liberia and the Semi-Institutional Care Center Nicoya, 2017-2018,” which has been developed as part of an inter-institutional articulation effort between the Center of General Studies and the Chorotega Campus, both belonging to the National University of Costa Rica. Its objective has been to contribute to the development of capacities and skills for the life of persons deprived of liberty in the Chorotega Region and, likewise, to their process of reinsertion and social readaptation. Four techniques were used: workshops, lectures, recreational pedagogy, and artistic activities. These techniques were a means for the integral approach of concepts, such as the experience of a culture of peace, peaceful coexistence and its link with art. With this, important results were obtained, such as reflection and awareness of daily situations, socialization and social constructions. Thanks to this learning experience, it has been possible to develop an emotional, motivational and cognitive dimension of the participants, through the generation of humanized spaces, created by means of recreational and artistic activities (corporal activity based on theater and dance, among others). As a result of these dynamics and expressions, a dance workshop was carried out with which, through a sequence of rehearsals and exercises based on contemporary dance, we constructed the choreography "Bodies in the open,” based on their perception of life. Sessions for reflection were also held, which became spaces for meetings and reflection on objectives and methodologies, and where we rethought the concept of persons deprived of liberty in order to contribute to the improvement of the conditions that belong to this system.

Author Biographies

Helen Marenco Rojas, Universidad Nacional

Doctora en Educación con énfasis en Mediación Pedagógica. Maestría en Danza con Énfasis en Formación Dancística. Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación Preescolar y en Danza. Académica del Centro de Estudios Generales y extensionista de la Universidad Nacional (UNA). Co-coordinadora del proyecto Cultura de Paz y Expresiones Artísticas con personas privadas de libertad en el Centro de Atención Institucional Calle Real (Liberia) y en el Centro Semi-Institucional (Nicoya).

Juan Diego Gómez Navarro, Universidad Nacional

Doctor en Educación con énfasis en Mediación Pedagógica. Máster en Derecho Registral y Notarial. Bachiller en Relaciones Internacionales, Licenciado en Derecho, Notario. Académico del Centro de Estudios Generales, investigador en la Cátedra Rolando García.

Doriam Chavarría López, Universidad Nacional

Doctora en Educación con énfasis en Mediación Pedagógica, Licenciada en Historia, Máster en Psicopedagogía. Académica y Extensionista en la Sede Regional Chorotega de la Universidad Nacional y Universidad de Costa Rica.  Vicedecana en la Sede Regional Chorotega de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica.


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How to Cite

Marenco Rojas, H., Gómez Navarro, J. D., & Chavarría López, D. (2019). Persons Deprived of Liberty: uncovered issues. New Humanism Journal, 7(2).



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How to Cite

Marenco Rojas, H., Gómez Navarro, J. D., & Chavarría López, D. (2019). Persons Deprived of Liberty: uncovered issues. New Humanism Journal, 7(2).

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