Description of the trends in behavior, social relationships and daily life of the university student population in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
behavior; social relationships; daily life; COVID-19; ICTAbstract
The current social challenges of contact and relationships with other people in the face of the necessary protection from the risk of contagion of the coronavirus and life in capital letters, requires an understanding on the part of higher education authorities worldwide. This article describes the behavior trends, in social relationships and daily life, by the student population from the National University of Costa Rica (UNA), Chorotega Branch Campus Liberia, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. 182 students were involved, under a descriptive phase quantitative study. The results of the study indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic caused social distancing in the population under study, altering trends in behavior, lifestyle, which in the face of confinement abruptly modified social contact, causing an exponential increase in the use of technological tools to mediate communication.
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