Proposal for the Follow-up of Newly Registered Students on the Part of Professionals from the Center for General Studies in the Post-pandemic Context
educational lag, resilience, emotional intelligence, mediations, bio-pedagogyAbstract
Considering the present juncture that the educational system is going thru after the Pandemic of Covid-19, which ultimately caused a series of restrictive measures by the Ministry of Education, and previously, by a series of strikes in the public sector, it was assumed that students of recent entrance in the Centre for General Studies (Centro de Estudios Generales, CEG) could present an educational lag. This could consequently generate some apprehension and uncertainty, and possibly wider student during the academic year 2020. Considering such eventuality, a special Conference titled in the same manner as this article was organized; such event was geared towards the educational and administrative body of the CEG with the main purpose of creating some bio-pedagogical instruments for sensitizing professors with respect to posible traumas of the new post-Pandemic students. In this article we present the essential basis of the Conference grounded upon the Theory of emotional intelligence by Daniel Goleman, as an ideal resource for confronting such adverse circumstances. All these aspects are approached using the bio-pedagogic emergent paradigm. First, we detail some contextual factors, and secondly we follow with the topic of educational lag, the basis for resilience, after critical events, emotional intelligence, and bio-pedagogical didactics.
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