The concepts of interdisciplinary research


  • David Muñoz Morales Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  • Juan Diego Gómez Navarro Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, Costa Rica



social sciences, epistemology, interdisciplinary, research, complex systems


This article gives a series of essential concepts to initiate an interdisciplinary research process. The purpose is to provide a glossary of analytical content and a brief contextualization of Rolando Garcia’s work on complex systems and interdiscipline that brings together, under our criteria, the most advanced science of complexity. We refer to the monumental work of Jean Piaget materialized in genetic epistemology, the general theory of systems of Ludwing Von Bertalanffy (1976) and the innovative explanations of physics and chemistry of the School of Brussels. Special mention is made of the historical materialism of Karl Marx (1867), which represents a transdisciplinary theory with the characteristics necessary for the study of the social system as organized, determined and structured by the multiple relationships between its subsystems. Finally, some examples are offered to clarify the fundamental processes in the application of an interdisciplinary research methodology consistent with the epistemology of complex systems. This work is intended as a very synthetic contribution, an analytical summary and a sort of reference manual for the investigation of hypercomplex phenomena: subject-centric and self-reflexive phenomena with the ability to think of themselves, which raises to the maximum the levels of complexity of their processes, that is, social phenomena.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Morales, D., & Gómez Navarro, J. D. (2023). The concepts of interdisciplinary research. New Humanism Journal, 11(2), 69-92.



Humanismo e Interdisciplina (sección arbitrada)

How to Cite

Muñoz Morales, D., & Gómez Navarro, J. D. (2023). The concepts of interdisciplinary research. New Humanism Journal, 11(2), 69-92.

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