Para un humanismo del siglo XXI: desafíos y propuestas


  • Miguel David Baraona Cockerell Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, Costa Rica



major crisis, environmental crisis, economic crisis, civilizational crisis, crisis of hegemony, contemporary humanism


In this paper we examine the unfolding of the four major crises facing humanity at the dawn of the twenty-first century: the environmental crisis, theeconomic crisis, the civilizational crisis, and the crisis of hegemony. In thispaper we show how the systemic interaction between these four majorcrises and the negative feedback between them poses a major threat forhuman future survival. This represents a particularly complex and perilous crossroad, in which most probably the survival itself of our specieswill be determined. The paper examines all four major crises and tries toestablish a frame of analysis for understanding their original causes andtheir past and present genesis. In the final section, we advance some basicthough crucial proposals concerning the emergence of a humanist perspective, based on the implicit or explicit central assumption of an essentialhuman nature which is both universal and common to all of humanity.This egalitarian, democratic and revolutionary notion has never been entirely fulfilled in tenns of actual historical and real social practices, remainingalways cunailed and jeopardized by different types of dichotomies in differentsocieties and in different historical periods, separatìng the (human us” from the“subhuman them”. This simple though powerful and today almost self-evidenttruth that all humans are “created” equal and share the same basic human nature,because it has never been totally fulfilled in real social practice,continues to be a conceptual cornerstone from which we canconstrue and implement a contemporary humanist praxis.


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How to Cite

Baraona Cockerell, M. D. (2014). Para un humanismo del siglo XXI: desafíos y propuestas. New Humanism Journal, 1(1).



Humanismo y sociedad

How to Cite

Baraona Cockerell, M. D. (2014). Para un humanismo del siglo XXI: desafíos y propuestas. New Humanism Journal, 1(1).

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