La Cátedra Rolando García de humanismo, interdisciplina y complejidad del CEG-UNA


  • Miguel Baraona Cockerall Centro de Estudios Generales, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Julio Barquero Alfaro Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Iris Chaves Alfaro Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Alekcey Chuprine Valladares Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Edgar Esquivel Solís Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Juan Diego Gómez Navarro Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Marcela Gutiérrez Miranda Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Jaime Mora Arias Universidad Nacioanal, Costa Rica
  • David Muñoz Morales Universidad NAcioanl, Costa Rica
  • Luis Pérez Acuña Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Lucía Rincón Soto Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Silvia Rojas Herrera Universidad Nacional., Costa Rica
  • María Sancho Ugalde



epistemology, interdisciplina, transdisciplina, complexity, New Humanism


In this article we introduce the readers to one of three most important projects promoted by the new authorities of the Centro de Estudios Generales (CEG, from now on) de la UNA (Centre for General Studies of the National University of Costa Rica) for the period 2015- 2020. This Project aims at the creation of The Rolando García Chair for Humanism, Interdiscipline and Complexity (CRG, from now on), whose goal is to advance the establishment of a conceptual and methodological framework for interdisciplinary work at the CEG. In the pages that follow, we present a summary of the antecedent knowledge (preliminary conceptual framework) on which the goals, the scope and the chair´s workplan, as well as the stages and the methodology for the project´s teamwork oriented towards the production of several documents and other results that will serve as launching pad for the interdisciplinary work at the CEG.


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How to Cite

Baraona Cockerall, M., Barquero Alfaro, J., Chaves Alfaro, I., Chuprine Valladares, A., Esquivel Solís, E., Gómez Navarro, J. D., Gutiérrez Miranda, M., Mora Arias, J., Muñoz Morales, D., Pérez Acuña, L., Rincón Soto, L., Rojas Herrera, S., & Sancho Ugalde, M. (2018). La Cátedra Rolando García de humanismo, interdisciplina y complejidad del CEG-UNA. New Humanism Journal, 4(2).



Artículos (sección arbitrada)

How to Cite

Baraona Cockerall, M., Barquero Alfaro, J., Chaves Alfaro, I., Chuprine Valladares, A., Esquivel Solís, E., Gómez Navarro, J. D., Gutiérrez Miranda, M., Mora Arias, J., Muñoz Morales, D., Pérez Acuña, L., Rincón Soto, L., Rojas Herrera, S., & Sancho Ugalde, M. (2018). La Cátedra Rolando García de humanismo, interdisciplina y complejidad del CEG-UNA. New Humanism Journal, 4(2).

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