Institutional Collection Center of Una Sustainable Campus, and its Contribution to the Conservation and Environmental Protection from a Gender Perspective


  • Julian Alberto Rojas Vargas Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Kateryn Fernández Hidalgo Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica



gender; gender perspective; environment; sustainable development.


The article describes the contribution from a gender perspective the Institutional Collec­tion Center, UNA (National University of Costa Rica) Sustainable Campus of the Nation­al University of Costa Rica, makes for the conservation and environmental protection. It also describes the good practices that are developed there in the field of environmental management, and tools both for the student community, teachers, and administrative staff. The Center contributes to the performance and environmental protection. Besides, it pro­motes the strengthening of environmental culture in the university community. Through the different projects, students involved can collaborate and generate environmental changes, through chats and forums on this topic, as well as collecting and classifying waste. Emphasis is placed on the policies of environment and gender that the National University owns, scope and plans of action, as well as the important equitable participa­tion between university populations in all spaces.

Author Biographies

Julian Alberto Rojas Vargas, Universidad Nacional

UNA Campus Sostenible-Rectoría Adjunta
Universidad Nacional

Kateryn Fernández Hidalgo, Universidad Nacional

Estudiante de Género y Desarrollo

Asistende en Proyectos en Programa UNA Campus Sostenible


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How to Cite

Rojas Vargas, J. A., & Fernández Hidalgo, K. (2017). Institutional Collection Center of Una Sustainable Campus, and its Contribution to the Conservation and Environmental Protection from a Gender Perspective. New Humanism Journal, 5(2), 17.



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How to Cite

Rojas Vargas, J. A., & Fernández Hidalgo, K. (2017). Institutional Collection Center of Una Sustainable Campus, and its Contribution to the Conservation and Environmental Protection from a Gender Perspective. New Humanism Journal, 5(2), 17.

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