The Teaching of History in Costa Rica: An Approach from the Plans of the Career of Social Studies in the National University (1979-2005)


  • Maximiliano López López



Curriculum, Social Studies, History Teaching, Costa Rica


Through this work an incursion will be made in the analysis of the study plans of what in Costa Rica has been called “Teaching of Social Studies” during the last 25 years. In this analysis, special attention will be given to reconstructing the notions or approaches that in curricular terms base such plans, as well as in the identification of the “tools” that were proposed for future teachers in the field of teaching History for education. Secondary or middle. Likewise, in order to bring the discussion of the subject to the present, priority will be given to the review of selected course programs of the last 5 years -letters to the student- in the main subjects of the teacher training area, as well as specific courses of the History area. With this work we hope to contribute to the analysis of the field of history teaching in the framework of the reaccreditation of the aforementioned career and provide inputs for a broader discussion about citizen empowerment in the face of the already declared civilizational crisis.



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How to Cite

The Teaching of History in Costa Rica: An Approach from the Plans of the Career of Social Studies in the National University (1979-2005). (2018). Revista Perspectivas, 16, 1-22.

How to Cite

The Teaching of History in Costa Rica: An Approach from the Plans of the Career of Social Studies in the National University (1979-2005). (2018). Revista Perspectivas, 16, 1-22.

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