Gamification as a Teaching Resource for Teaching History


  • María Elena Cascante Gómez
  • Roberto Granados Porras



Gamification, Pedagogical Game, Teaching Skills, Pedagogical Mediation, History Education


The present work describes the importance of gamification as a key element in the teaching-learning process in order to generate a new historical knowledge within the framework of pedagogical mediation. This approach aims to meet a specific need that must be strengthened through renewal and innovation in the teaching that is used in History classes by teachers in training. The Gamification is defined as a literacy process in digital competence for the appropriation of technological resources and their incorporation in learning contexts through pedagogical processes. The gamification incorporates elements of game design to take advantage of them in the teaching-learning process, but these are not used by themselves, but rather some of their principles or mechanics are taken as points, incentives, narrative, feedback, recognition or the freedom to make mistakes as a means to generate meaningful learning. The study describes a series of evaluations obtained from a group of students who is in the middle of the career of the Social Studies and Civic Education Teaching of the National University of Costa Rica on their knowledge and impact on the pedagogical mediation that gamification could generate as a teaching-learning strategy.


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How to Cite

Gamification as a Teaching Resource for Teaching History. (2018). Revista Perspectivas: Estudios Sociales Y Educación Cívica, 17, 1-22.

How to Cite

Gamification as a Teaching Resource for Teaching History. (2018). Revista Perspectivas: Estudios Sociales Y Educación Cívica, 17, 1-22.

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