The Bimodal Update Course for Social Studies Teachers of the Regional Education Directorate of Heredia. An Experience from the Bimodal Continuous Education Project


  • Alejandra Barquero Ruiz
  • Roberto Granados Porras



Social Studies, Continuing Education, Bimodal Education, Educational Technology, Virtuality


For this article, we intend to develop the experience of the bimodal update course for Social Studies teachers of the Regional Education Directorate of Heredia. The course was attended by 39 high school teachers, who participated in face-to-face and virtual sessions for four months –20 contact hours and 20 virtual hours–, addressing topics such as: Environmental History; Social Revolutions in Latin America; Environmental refugees in the 21st century; Islam and Christian and Muslim societies in the Middle Ages; the geopolitical role of China in the context of a globalized economy. The sessions were developed by specialists from the School of History and the School of International Relations. The virtual sessions were developed through the Virtual Classroom of the National University (UNA). The subjects of the course were selected in conjunction with the Social Studies Advisor of the Regional Directorate of Education of Heredia who expressed the need to update the teachers who taught seventh and tenth year in some contents of the new study programs.


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How to Cite

The Bimodal Update Course for Social Studies Teachers of the Regional Education Directorate of Heredia. An Experience from the Bimodal Continuous Education Project. (2019). Revista Perspectivas, 19, 1-11.

How to Cite

The Bimodal Update Course for Social Studies Teachers of the Regional Education Directorate of Heredia. An Experience from the Bimodal Continuous Education Project. (2019). Revista Perspectivas, 19, 1-11.

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