The School Role on the Civic Value and Attitude Formation in High School Students




civic education, educational sociology, social values, student attitudes, young persons


This paper studies the relationship between the school climate and the possibilities of participation into the school with the civic and political attitudes through the perception of the high school level students. We interviewed teachers and applied surveys to students from two schools of the Mexico City Colegio de Bachilleres (n=769) to build a structural equations model. The results set a significant relationship with civic values reported by students. The interviews suggest activities into the classroom are the only possibilities of participation to the students and identify a contradictory speech of the teachers about the students’ political attitudes.

Author Biography

José Luis Villalpando Ortega, Unidad Departamental de Estudios, Escuela de Administración Pública, Ciudad de México, México

Mexicano. Maestro en Gobierno y Asuntos Públicos por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), sede México. Actualmente es Jefe de Unidad Departamental de Estudios en la Escuela de Administración Pública, Ciudad de México. México. Correo electrónico: ORCID: Agradezco los comentarios y asesoría de Ana Elizabeth Razo y Georgina Flores-Ivich.


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How to Cite

The School Role on the Civic Value and Attitude Formation in High School Students. (2021). Perspectivas, 22, 1-35.

How to Cite

The School Role on the Civic Value and Attitude Formation in High School Students. (2021). Perspectivas, 22, 1-35.

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