The Bicentennial of Central America from the point of view of young university students




commemoration, Bicentennial, history, independence, Social Studies, Central America


The article is based on the thesis that every time we move further away from a historical event, we run the risk of understanding less its meaning and therefore its importance if it is not taught in a meaningful way. The objective of this research is to estimate the meaning that the commemoration of the Bicentennial of the Central American Independence has for young university students. The methodology used was the application of the survey technique to young university students between 18 and 22 years old, enrolled in humanistic careers and who have taken the subject of History of El Salvador. For there to be a true historical meaning of the commemoration of the Bicentennial and to transcend rote learning, the teacher who teaches the subject of history must change and adapt his didactic style to achieve the objective of forming citizens with historical roots of identity and not a simple rote learning.

Author Biography

Marni Lorena Hernández Monterroza, Independent consultant and researcher

Salvadoreña. Máster en Gestión Ambiental. Licenciada en Sociología por la Universidad de El Salvador (UES), San Salvador, El Salvador. Investigadora independiente. Correo electrónico: ORCID:


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How to Cite

The Bicentennial of Central America from the point of view of young university students. (2021). Revista Perspectivas, 23, 1-21.

How to Cite

The Bicentennial of Central America from the point of view of young university students. (2021). Revista Perspectivas, 23, 1-21.

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