Teaching History through Social Media and Teaching about Social Media through History: the Scope of Social Media in Teaching History





Digital Citizenship, Divulgation, Social Media, Social Studies, Technological Education


The following article was initially presented in the Central American History Congress as part of the History Teaching section. This article describes the use of social media in History Teaching, as a way to include educational technology in this discipline, with the objective of fortify different abilities in students that contribute in their historical thinking and technological competences. These intentions are built in the frame of the Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica that promotes a new citizenship that involves the development of a digital citizenship. In the context of an Ancient History course, the impact of using social media as part of the didactic is analyzed through a structured observation and several interviews to students. As part of the conclusions, is possible to affirm that using social media allows to fortify abilities as communication, creative thinking and information management. Also, social media is an ideal space to exercise digital citizenship and offer a path to divulgate and strengthen their knowledge.

Author Biography

Marisol Gamboa Fallas, Universidad de Costa Rica, (UCR), Sede Rodrigo Facio, San José, Costa Rica

Costarricense. Bachiller en la Enseñanza de los Estudios Sociales y la Educación Cívica por la
Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), Sede Rodrigo Facio, San José, Costa Rica. Asistente de Investigación en la Universidad de Costa Rica, (UCR), Sede Rodrigo Facio, San José, Costa Rica. Correo electrónico: marisol.gamboafallas@gmail.com ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8951-2261


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How to Cite

Teaching History through Social Media and Teaching about Social Media through History: the Scope of Social Media in Teaching History. (2022). Revista Perspectivas: Estudios Sociales Y Educación Cívica, 24, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.15359/rp.24.3

How to Cite

Teaching History through Social Media and Teaching about Social Media through History: the Scope of Social Media in Teaching History. (2022). Revista Perspectivas: Estudios Sociales Y Educación Cívica, 24, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.15359/rp.24.3

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