Using Emotions to Understand Socially Active Issues in History Lessons




emotional development, teaching, History Education, Social Studies, educational innovation


This article presents an action-research method referring to the implementation of teaching-learning strategies for the development of socio-emotional competencies in high school students in a Chilean school. The idea of this intervention was to strengthen learning about socially living issues in the subject of History, Geography and Social Sciences. The objective of this research is to design a didactic proposal to incorporate self-awareness, self-management and social awareness within History classes. The main results show a high degree of satisfaction in relation to the implementation of new teaching strategies that help understand historical character. Also, students valued the possibility of transferring the socio-emotional exercises done in classes to their own lives, as well as the increase in the motivation during lessons. Additionally, the critical points that have been detected as well as the projections of this experience are analyzed.

Author Biography

Francesca Grez Cook, Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD), Sede Santiago, Chile

Chilena. Magíster en Historia de la Universidad de Chile (UCh), Santiago, Chile. Licenciada en
Educación de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile (Usach), Santiago, Chile. Docente del área
de Enseñanza de la Historia, Geografía y Ciencias Sociales de la Facultad de Educación de la
Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD), Sede Santiago, Chile. Correo electrónico: ORCID:


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How to Cite

Using Emotions to Understand Socially Active Issues in History Lessons. (2022). Revista Perspectivas, 24, 1-23.

How to Cite

Using Emotions to Understand Socially Active Issues in History Lessons. (2022). Revista Perspectivas, 24, 1-23.

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