Challenges of citizen education in Mexico, Costa Rica and Peru: an approach from teaching experience


  • Arturo Meléndez Montero Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), sede del Pacífico, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  • Michelle de Jesús Cazarín Callejas Esc. Sec. Téc. Agropecuaria Núm. 126, Tehuipango, Veracruz, México, Mexico
  • Juana María Tantas Rayme Institución Educativa Estatal José María Arguedas 2027, San Martín de Porres, Lima, Perú, Peru



citizen education, narratives, teachers, challenges, neoliberalism, Social Studies


This article presents an analysis of the experiences of three Latin American teachers belonging to Mexico, Costa Rica and Peru, based on the narratives of the subjects, an approach is made to the situation in citizenship education in the region, pointing out the problems and obstacles they present. The formal educational systems and the curricula of the various subjects related to academic citizenship education in Latin American countries when the objective set by the teachers is the formation of active and progressive critical citizenships in response to a context of growing authoritarianism and conservatism by Lastly, it is explained how these obstacles represent challenges that condition but do not fully determine their margin of action in educational spaces, thus highlighting pedagogical work as a possible agent of social transformation.

Author Biographies

Arturo Meléndez Montero, Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), sede del Pacífico, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Costa Rica. Licenciada em Estudos Sociais e Educação Cívica pela Universidade Nacional (UNA), campus de Omar Dengo, Heredia, Costa Rica. Mestrado em Pedagogia pela Universidade Nacional (UNA), campus de Omar Dengo, Heredia, Costa Rica. Professor de Educação Cívica no Ministério da Educação Pública da Costa Rica (MEP), no Colégio Científico Costarriquenho de Puntarenas (CCCP) e na Universidade da Costa Rica (UCR), campus do Pacífico, Puntarenas, Costa Rica.

Michelle de Jesús Cazarín Callejas, Esc. Sec. Téc. Agropecuaria Núm. 126, Tehuipango, Veracruz, México

Mexican. Degree in Pedagogy from the Paccioli University of Cordoba (UPC), Veracruz, Mexico. Teacher of the discipline of Civic and Ethical Formation in the educational level of Technical Secondary Schools of the Ministry of Public Education since 2017, Veracruz, Mexico. Currently working at the Esc. Sec. Téc. Agropecuaria Núm. 126 of the rural municipality of Tehuipango, Veracruz, Mexico.

Juana María Tantas Rayme, Institución Educativa Estatal José María Arguedas 2027, San Martín de Porres, Lima, Perú

Peruvian. Degree in History and Geography from Universidad Federico Villarreal, Lima, Peru. Master's degree from Universidad César Vallejo, Trujillo, Peru, and specialization at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Peru. She currently teaches at the state educational institution José María Arguedas 2027, located in the district of San Martín de Porres, Lima, Peru.


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How to Cite

Challenges of citizen education in Mexico, Costa Rica and Peru: an approach from teaching experience. (2024). Revista Perspectivas: Estudios Sociales Y Educación Cívica, 29, 1-20.



Memories, experiences and teaching dialogues: Citizenship in Latin American teaching practices (refereed section)

How to Cite

Challenges of citizen education in Mexico, Costa Rica and Peru: an approach from teaching experience. (2024). Revista Perspectivas: Estudios Sociales Y Educación Cívica, 29, 1-20.

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