An experience with students enrolled in the Supervised Teaching Practice Class from the Bachelor’s Degree in Social Studies and Civic Education of Universidad Nacional: Learning geography contents in the Social Studies class based on the use of plastic bottles to prepare didactive materials.


  • Lode Elena Cascante Gómez
  • María Jesús Zárate Montero



Graphic organizers, concept maps, geography teaching, teaching materials, pedagogical mediation


The present work is a product of an experience with students who realized his educational practice in the Education of the Social Studies and Civic Education; for this educational workshop he proposed: to develop the creative and innovative thought of the participants as future teachers and to promote in them environmental conscience by means of the construction of didactic resources with recyclable materials, for example plastic bottles. This activity, it developed in a space of classroom that equalizes the context of the students of secondary, with the intention of bringing the pedagogic mediation over to this reality. The work was sustained theoretically in the contributions that indicate that the relation between the education and the learning of different subject matters as in Geography, is more innovative and creative when there develop significant experiences of learning in which the student body is the principal protagonist.


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How to Cite

An experience with students enrolled in the Supervised Teaching Practice Class from the Bachelor’s Degree in Social Studies and Civic Education of Universidad Nacional: Learning geography contents in the Social Studies class based on the use of plastic bottles to prepare didactive materials. (2015). Revista Perspectivas, 11, 1-29.

How to Cite

An experience with students enrolled in the Supervised Teaching Practice Class from the Bachelor’s Degree in Social Studies and Civic Education of Universidad Nacional: Learning geography contents in the Social Studies class based on the use of plastic bottles to prepare didactive materials. (2015). Revista Perspectivas, 11, 1-29.

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