ISSN: 1409-3669 / EISSN: 2215-4728

The Revista Perspectivas: Estudios Sociales y Educación Cívica is a digital publication in which scientific research, debates, advances, challenges and limitations related to the development of the teaching and learning of history, geography and the social sciences are shared. Its authors and readers include professionals and other persons interested in the theory and praxis of Social Studies, Civic Education, or teaching-learning processes in the field of social sciences and the humanities.

The emphasis of the journal is on the field of research on teaching in Social Studies, citizenship, history, geography or social sciences. Its target audience consists of primary, secondary and university educators, students in training, and researchers in these areas.

Proposals for publication are received throughout the year at the email address Persons interested in publishing in the journal must meet the standards for publication and other instructions for authors.

Publishing entity: Universidad Nacional, Escuela de Historia, Heredia, Costa Rica. 

The socio-political contexts of the Latin American region demand other ways of teaching the social sciences. This implies overcoming state-centered approaches to the curriculum that, in their abstract rationality, disassociate citizenship from the concrete and situated experiences through which students are beginning to become citizens. These experiences over time are what we call memories and experiences, which are often excluded from citizenship training. Consequently, forming critical citizens aware of their environment is a great challenge facing teachers today, which requires dialogues that allow proposals that go beyond the abstract technicality of teaching processes.

This issue seeks to respond to this challenge, that of linking memories and experiences to Latin American teaching practices in the formation of citizenship and to encourage spaces for conversation and exchange of knowledge among social studies/social sciences teachers. The idea is to open spaces for teachers to get to know the different Latin American realities and share visions of their work, and in this way to open common points: how to talk about us, citizen educators? What are the common points that unite us as teachers who form citizenship in Latin America? How to initiate a teaching dialogue in Latin America that allows us to form links of support and collaboration in this task?

To develop this theme, we propose four thematic axes:

1. New curricular goals and purposes to accompany citizens in training who are going through the current times of post-pandemic crisis.
2. Classrooms as public spaces for the exchange of memories and citizen experiences: challenges and possibilities.
3. Professional identities and political commitments: pedagogical trajectories of Latin American teachers for the formation of critical citizenship.
4. Latin American regional synchronies and syntonies that favor cross-border and inclusive citizenship training in schools.

• Send your questions or doubts to:
• The guidelines for authors can be found at the following link:

Current Issue

No. 29 (2024): Revista Perspectivas: Estudios Sociales y Educación Cívica (julio-diciembre, 2024)
Published: 2024-07-01

General call for papers (refereed section)

  • Flipped Classroom: Theoretical Reflections for Implementation in Social Studies

    Marisol Gamboa Fallas, Andrés Solano Porras, Wilman Escobar Escamilla
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