University training and education initiatives to understand “Costa Rica Green". An educational proposal from a historical discipline.


  • Yanina Pizarro Méndez



environmental history, history applied, environmental education, teaching profession, Costa Rica


This article describes the teaching experience developed in the Environment History of Costa Rica course; an optional course given at the School of History for the environmental training of university students, between 2013 and 2015, as a maturity corollary of the Monitoring committee of Environmental Agro-ecological History. For this, it is needed a renewed point of view of the environmental education, taking into account old educative conceptions and new postulates of the Costa Rica teaching practice. To explain these processes, different sources were used, and the techniques implemented during the course are described in a general way. In this regard, under the historical investigative research experience, this article underlines the transcendence of new teaching ways.


Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica. (9 de abril de 1959). Ley de aguas No. 2.332. San José, Costa Rica.

El Agrario Nacional. (20 de octubre de 1951). El Agrario Nacional, p. 1. (12 de mayo de 1976). La Nación.

Leff, E. (1998). Saber ambiental. Sustentabilidad, racionalidad, complejidad y poder. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Siglo XXI Editores.

Órgano de los Clubes 4-S. (octubre 1951). Segunda semana de conservación de los Recursos Naturales. Párrafos del discurso inaugural pronunciado por el Señor Ministro de Agricultura Ing. Claudio A. Volio. La Carreta. Órgano de los Clubes 4-S, 4(2).

Pizarro Méndez, Y. (8 de octubre de 2015). Entrevista a Eduardo Mora, exdirector de la Revista Ambiental, Ambientico y Ciencias Ambientales. Los Yoses, Costa Rica.

Rodríguez, M., Zúñiga, M. E. y Guier, E. M. (2005). Didáctica ambiental. Antología. San José, Costa Rica: EUNED.

Repertorio Agrícola. (8 de junio de 1950). Repertorio Agrícola, p. 6.

UNESCO. (1978). Conferencia Intergubernamental sobre Educación Ambiental organizada por la Unesco con la cooperación del PNUMA, Tbilisi (URSS). Paris, Francia: UNESCO.




How to Cite

University training and education initiatives to understand “Costa Rica Green". An educational proposal from a historical discipline. (2016). Perspectivas, 12, 52-67.

How to Cite

University training and education initiatives to understand “Costa Rica Green". An educational proposal from a historical discipline. (2016). Perspectivas, 12, 52-67.

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