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Author Guidelines

The articles published in the journal Perspectiva Rurales must be original works and unpublished.

The MS Word file should have all margins set to 3.0 cm, in letter size. Pages should be consecutively numbered, with Times Roman 12 font and one-and-a-half line spacing, without indentation. Articles should be between 3,500 and 8,000 words long, including titles, abstracts, keywords, citations and bibliography, tables, figure captions, and photographs.

Regarding structure, the trilingual abstract, consisting of 150 to 200 words per language (Spanish, English, and Portuguese), should be placed after the title and accompanied by five keywords in Spanish, English, and Portuguese according to the thesauri of the OECD, UNESCO, ILO CABI Thesaurus, Thesauro UNBIS, NALT (National Agricultural Library Thesaurus) or AGROVOC Multilingual Thesaurus. The title should be short, no more than 15 words. Sections (subtitles) of the text should not be numbered in any way. Footnotes should be used restrictively, only to clarify elements that, due to confusion, cannot be clarified within the text itself. The bibliography should be placed at the end.

The guidelines for the preparation of bibliographic references are based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), with some examples provided as a basis for article presentation.

Bibliographic citations should include the last name, year, and page (example: Hernández, 2009, p. 40; Hernández, 2009, pp. 40-43) when quoting directly, and only the last name and year when paraphrasing (Hernández, 2009). When quoting directly, only quotation marks are used to differentiate the selected text.

The bibliography, ordered alphabetically, should include the last name, first name, year, title, publisher, and place (for example: Hernández, J. 2009. Best Practices in Qualitative Research. Editorial del Norte. San José, Costa Rica.). For journals, newspaper articles, or web pages, include the last name, first name, year, title, journal, newspaper, or website (for example: Hernández, J. 2009. Best Practices in Qualitative Research. Perspectivas Rurales 18 (2), 15-25).

Bold should only be used for titles and subtitles or for a word with a special condition. Italics are not accepted, except for Latin phrases. Underlined words are not accepted either.

Tables, figures, and photographs must be of sufficient quality, in black and white. To differentiate parts or variables in tables or figures, line patterns should be used if there are more than two bars or parts.

The author or authors signing the article are responsible for its content. They should be identified with their name, workplace, and email address.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Todos los envíos deben cumplir los siguientes requisitos.

  • La petición no ha sido publicada previamente, ni se ha presentado a otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación en Comentarios al editor).
  • El fichero enviado está en formato PDF, OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, o WordPerfect.
  • Se han añadido direcciones web para las referencias donde ha sido posible.
  • El texto tiene interlineado simple; el tamaño de fuente es 12 puntos; se usa cursiva en vez de subrayado (exceptuando las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas están dentro del texto en el sitio que les corresponde y no al final del todo.
  • El texto cumple con los requisitos bibliográficos y de estilo indicados en las Normas para autoras/es, que se pueden encontrar en Acerca de la revista.
  • Si esta enviando a una sección de la revista que se revisa por pares, tiene que asegurase que las instrucciones en Asegurando de una revisión a ciegas) han sido seguidas.

Artícles Dossier

Esta sección incluye artículos del dossier, y es evaluada por pares ciegos.

Investigaciones agronómicas

Fomentar la divulgación del conocimiento científico producido por la Escuela de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional y otras instituciones de educación superior, nacionales o internacionales.

Research Conferences - School of Agricultural Sciences

This section is intended to publish the results of the Research Conferences of the School of Agricultural Sciences at the National University, as a way to contribute to the dissemination of the scientific work of this Academic Unit, both at the faculty and student levels.

Privacy Statement

Los nombres y direcciones de correo-e introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines declarados por esta revista y no estarán disponibles para ningún otro propósito u otra persona.