Evaluation of physicochemical properties of the Costa Rican bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) as a differentiation and valorization strategy


  • Alejandra Mencía Guevara Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Keylor Villalobos Moya Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Julián Rubí Zeledón Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Leonardo Granados Rojas Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Carlos Hernández Aguirre Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Hillary Brenes Monge Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica




quality, differentiation, market, local product, food security


Due to changes in consumption trends aimed at recognizing attributes of local and differentiated products, the present study sought to evaluate Costa Rican bean varieties in order to identify their properties that allow a better appreciation and differentiation within the national market. Proximal, phenolic compounds, physical, quality, and impurities analysis were performed. The analyzes were carried out in 2018 in laboratories of the National University, Costa Rica and the Quality and Safety Laboratory of the National Production Council (CNP). Among the results obtained, the Guaimí variety (from Upala) stood out, since it presented lower hardness; therefore, it could need less cooking time to reach the optimal texture, as well as preserve better textural value and its functional properties. In general, relevant protein values were obtained in ranges from 16 to 27%, fiber from 3 to 7%, fat content from 3 to 7%, and ashes from 4 to 6%. The results of the study could be a starting point to define the functionality of each variety of beans according to their physical and chemical properties.


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How to Cite

Mencía Guevara, A., Villalobos Moya, K., Rubí Zeledón, J., Granados Rojas, L., Hernández Aguirre, C., & Brenes Monge, H. (2020). Evaluation of physicochemical properties of the Costa Rican bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) as a differentiation and valorization strategy. Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época, 18(35), 25-48. https://doi.org/10.15359/prne.18-35.2

How to Cite

Mencía Guevara, A., Villalobos Moya, K., Rubí Zeledón, J., Granados Rojas, L., Hernández Aguirre, C., & Brenes Monge, H. (2020). Evaluation of physicochemical properties of the Costa Rican bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) as a differentiation and valorization strategy. Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época, 18(35), 25-48. https://doi.org/10.15359/prne.18-35.2

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