The development of the social networks of the peasantry, in the process of association in an agricultural cooperative


  • Diego Alejandro Camargo Castro Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Colombia



Peasantry, cooperativism, milk producers, social network


This article presents a case study with the objective of analyzing the process of formation and/or strengthening of social networks (labor, communitarian, institutional, and friendly relationships) of milk producer peasants since their association with the Cooperativa Boyacense Integral de Lacteos (COBILAC). The research was carried out in Colombia, in Ventaquemada, which is a town located in the department of Boyacá. It included a group of 26 people made up by peasants, members of COBILAC, municipal representatives of the local and departmental administration of the agricultural sector, and its commercial ally, the Cooperativa de Lácteos de Antioquia (Colanta). They were subjects of the application of the tools and techniques of qualitative investigation, among which semi-structured interviews, focal groups, and participant observation were used for the obtainment of data and its processing and analysis. The research found a positive transformation of the social networks of the milk producers due to their link with COBILAC, since some networks have grown and strengthened, and new ones have emerged. Likewise, it has been shown that the interconnection among the different networks has positively impacted the productive work of the peasants and in their communitarian, familiar, and personal contexts.


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How to Cite

Camargo Castro, D. A. (2020). The development of the social networks of the peasantry, in the process of association in an agricultural cooperative. Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época, 18(36), 77-100.

How to Cite

Camargo Castro, D. A. (2020). The development of the social networks of the peasantry, in the process of association in an agricultural cooperative. Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época, 18(36), 77-100.

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