Traumatized America: A proposal for “social” agriculture to improve health


  • Edgardo I. Garrido-Pérez Asociación Llapis i Llavors (Lápiz y Semillas), Spain
  • María I. Arias-Pizarro Asociación Llapis i Llavors (Lápiz y Semillas), Spain
  • Juan Lincango-Vega Asociación Llapis i Llavors (Lápiz y Semillas), Spain
  • Leonardo D. Ortega-López Asociación Llapis i Llavors (Lápiz y Semillas), Spain



Added value, ecosystem services, environmental and human health


Violence and exclusion traumatize millions of people who can obtain relief through contact with relaxing, biodiverse landscapes, plants, animals, soils, and clean water and air. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) promotes social agriculture as a way to assist and include persons with physical and psychological vulnerabilities to improve their health and self-esteem, particularly by promoting farms that are free of agrochemicals and are not highly mechanized, as well as forests that oxygenate the air and reduce catastrophes such as floods and landslides. The use of simple ecological and sociological methods allows quantification of environmental and service quality for vulnerable populations on farms, which can assist in the development of criteria for providing additional remuneration for farmers devoted to social agriculture, and for the food they produce with fair trade and sustainable agriculture seals. In terms of ecosystem fragility, risks of losses in soil fertility, and high biological and ethno-cultural diversities, social agriculture in the Alps is similar to social agriculture in extensive zones of rural Latin America.Therefore, promoting social agriculture in Latin America is not simply an imitation of foreign practices, but rather offers the possibility of adding value to farms while improving the health of traumatized, vulnerable persons.


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How to Cite

Garrido-Pérez, E. I., Arias-Pizarro, M. I., Lincango-Vega, J., & Ortega-López, L. D. (2019). Traumatized America: A proposal for “social” agriculture to improve health. Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época, 17(34), 155-174.

How to Cite

Garrido-Pérez, E. I., Arias-Pizarro, M. I., Lincango-Vega, J., & Ortega-López, L. D. (2019). Traumatized America: A proposal for “social” agriculture to improve health. Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época, 17(34), 155-174.

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