Curricular mainstreaming of Food Sovereignty in Cuaca: experiences from the Miguel Zapata Institution for Technical Education


  • Denis Antonio Arboleda Suarez Universidad del Cauca, Colombia



Systematization of experiences, Food Sovereignty, rural education, curricular mainstreaming


This document presents the results of a systemization of experiences in a rural educational institution in the Department of Cauca carried out during 2017 and 2018 in the Miguel Zapata Institution for Technical Education, located in the El Plateado Township of the Municipality of Argelia. The document is organized in four sections. The first section presents conceptual elements involved in the systematization of educational experiences and aspects related to education and Food Sovereignty. The second section presents a brief description of the methodology used during the process of systematization, while the third section documents findings concerning the support which the Norwegian Refugee Council and Save the Children provided as allies in local education, emphasizing the results of the project “Pedagogical strengthening through pedagogical-productive projects in the Miguel Zapata Technical Educational Institution,” whose specific objectives included acting collectively to mainstream Food Sovereignty in the local educational curriculum. In the fourth and final section, several lessons learned are presented, as well as recommendations for improving education in the context of coca-growing.


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How to Cite

Arboleda Suarez, D. A. (2019). Curricular mainstreaming of Food Sovereignty in Cuaca: experiences from the Miguel Zapata Institution for Technical Education. Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época, 17(34), 175-203.

How to Cite

Arboleda Suarez, D. A. (2019). Curricular mainstreaming of Food Sovereignty in Cuaca: experiences from the Miguel Zapata Institution for Technical Education. Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época, 17(34), 175-203.

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