Rural non-farm income of small farm producers in Colombia




Home economics, livelihoods, seasonal labour


This study analysed the composition of rural non-farm income (RNFI) of small agricultural producers in four regions of Colombia. We used the Colombian Longitudinal Survey (ELCA) for 2010, 2013 and 2016. The RNFI represents, on average, 38 % of total household income, with variations between 30 % for the largest production units and 50 % for the smallest. The participation of non-agricultural rural income within the total household income is higher and statistically significant in female-headed households, most of which are devoted to self-employment activities. These results have implications for both the formulation of public policies and for the management of agricultural production at the household level in Colombia


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How to Cite

Polo-Murcia, S. M., & Terán-Chaves, C. A. (2021). Rural non-farm income of small farm producers in Colombia. Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época, 19(38), 83-104.

How to Cite

Polo-Murcia, S. M., & Terán-Chaves, C. A. (2021). Rural non-farm income of small farm producers in Colombia. Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época, 19(38), 83-104.

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