Participatory methodologies and productive projects to encourage solutions to the problems of Localidad 20 de Sumapaz, Bogotá, in the framework of the Peasant School for Community Manager Leaders strategy of the Observatory of Food and Nutrition Sovereign




Food sovereingty, Sustainability, Empowerment, Innovation, Autonomy, Knowledge, Peasant network, Productive projects and associations


This paper is the continuation of the first phase of the project Peasant School for Community Manager Leaders (Escuela Campesina de Líderes Gestores Comunitarios de Sumapaz-ECLGC) conducted during the 2014-2019 period. The strategy was to provide the peasant school beneficiaries with knowledge related to food and nutritional sovereignty and security, family eating patterns, and food production techniques.

The most significant results were related to benefits for the population, such as acquiring and practicing knowledge in balanced eating habits, environmental care, production of diversified home gardens, prevention of chronic diseases, improving child nutrition, and territory characterization.

This article highlights the formulation and establishment of productive projects of each of the beneficiaries, mapping the main actors involved in the locality and determining the main problems affecting the population and possible solutions proposed by the community. This allowed the population involved to be empowered and own the solutions to their problems and needs.

However, there are still many conditions that need to be improved, including greater integration of peasants and more favorable ways to trade their products. Finally, proposals for sustainable management and management of resources were presented, highlighting the beneficiaries as the main characters of their own development in key aspects of food security.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Rondón, M. del P. (2022). Participatory methodologies and productive projects to encourage solutions to the problems of Localidad 20 de Sumapaz, Bogotá, in the framework of the Peasant School for Community Manager Leaders strategy of the Observatory of Food and Nutrition Sovereign. Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época, 20(40), 1-28.

How to Cite

Rodríguez Rondón, M. del P. (2022). Participatory methodologies and productive projects to encourage solutions to the problems of Localidad 20 de Sumapaz, Bogotá, in the framework of the Peasant School for Community Manager Leaders strategy of the Observatory of Food and Nutrition Sovereign. Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época, 20(40), 1-28.

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