Xylella fastidiosa in Costa Rica: Economic impact, agricultural relevance, and national research overview
phytopathogen, coffee, Pierce disease, bacteria, palmAbstract
Xylella fastidiosa is a phytopathogenic bacterium considered a quarantine pest in crops of agricultural importance. It is associated with various diseases in crops such as: coffee, citrus, grapes, olive and ornamental species. This bacterium has negative repercussions on the export market of Costa Rica, due to phytosanitary restrictions imposed especially on the phoenix palm (Phoenix spp.). In addition, its high dispersion capacity, the existence of genetic variants and its interaction with other microorganisms make X. fastidiosa a bacterium of interest to agriculture. Currently, different research efforts are being conducted to expand the understanding about X. fastidiosa and involve the general population in the subject. This article describes the economic and social impact of X. fastidiosa on national agricultural production. Information was collected through a bibliographic review and was complemented by contributions from professionals from the Center for Cell and Molecular Biology Research (CIBCM) who currently lead research on the subject.
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