Dairy industry in Costa Rica: challenges and opportunities for sustainable development





dairy, productive activity, CAFTA Costa Rica


This article addresses the contemporary status of the dairy industry in Costa Rica, emphasizing the challenges and opportunities it presents for its evolution. A thorough analysis of the industrial structure, production, employment generation, and the dynamics of exports and imports in relation to preferential tariff fluctuations is conducted. During the study period, a significant increase in Costa Rican dairy production is highlighted, and notable challenges are pinpointed, including tariff changes under the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and heightened competition with global dairy firms. Nevertheless, the vast potential for establishing market differentiators and capturing niche segments in this industry is underscored. The importance of institutional backing and the execution of strategies, designed in synergy between public and private sectors, is accentuated. The study’s outcomes suggest that the competitiveness of the dairy sector, both locally and internationally, is crafted through the amalgamation of efforts in pursuit of a favorable environment. The article concludes with recommendations aimed at amplifying industry competitiveness and advocating sustainable growth.


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How to Cite

Benavides Vindas, S., & Hughes Araya, N. (2024). Dairy industry in Costa Rica: challenges and opportunities for sustainable development. Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época, 22(43), 1-29. https://doi.org/10.15359/prne.22-43.5

How to Cite

Benavides Vindas, S., & Hughes Araya, N. (2024). Dairy industry in Costa Rica: challenges and opportunities for sustainable development. Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época, 22(43), 1-29. https://doi.org/10.15359/prne.22-43.5

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