Leaves and other Natural Products for Utilitary Purposes in Traditional Costa Rican Cuisine





traditional food, Costa Rican cuisine, natural products


The objective is to describe leaves and other plant products obtained from the environment for utilitarian purposes in traditional Costa Rican cuisine. The study is qualitative and is based on semi-structured interviews with 37 people between the ages of 50 and 91, residing in different parts of the country. 59 products widely used more than six decades ago for the storage, conservation, preparation, consumption and transportation of food, as well as for cleaning, disinfection and pest control, were identified. Aspects such as access, functionality, durability, aesthetics and efficiency in different household tasks are considered for their selection. There is a decrease in current application due to changes in lifestyles, urbanization, industrialization and greater use of synthetic materials which, according to the people interviewed, has caused the loss of knowledge in new generations regarding the resources and their familiarization with utilization in the domestic environment. The natural products have value for their practical use in the kitchen, as well as for being biodegradable and favoring the family economy, which is why they have persisted over time, and it is still possible to acquire some of them in their natural state or with artisanal manufacture in markets and local fairs.


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How to Cite

Sedó Masís, P. E., Cerdas Núñez, M. M., & González Arce, R. (2024). Leaves and other Natural Products for Utilitary Purposes in Traditional Costa Rican Cuisine. Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época, 22(43), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.15359/prne.22-44.9

How to Cite

Sedó Masís, P. E., Cerdas Núñez, M. M., & González Arce, R. (2024). Leaves and other Natural Products for Utilitary Purposes in Traditional Costa Rican Cuisine. Perspectivas Rurales Nueva Época, 22(43), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.15359/prne.22-44.9

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