Desarrollo territorial de Guanacaste, Costa Rica desde el enfoque de sistemas territoriales de producción agroalimentaria




Production factor, territory, development, food production, food security.


The purpose of this article is identify the territorial factors that can drive or hinder the establishment of a territorial system of agri-food production (TSAP), under the territorial development approach in the canton of Carrillo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Since 1990, Guanacaste has experienced a displacement of agricultural activity due to tertiary activity. In this article, we investigate factors that can promote growth considering the current conditions that regional new projects offer, for example: the creation of the PIMA Regional Market in Carrillo, the cargo terminal extension at the Daniel Oduber Quirós airport in Liberia and the construction of the dry channel from La Cruz to Puerto Limón. As a result of the analysis, the components of a territorial agri-food production system for the province are proposed, considering the characteristics of the companies and the synergy that these bands should have with the institutions.The article concludes that TSAP promote a high associativity and linkages between companies, government and available resources. In addition, it includes the environment as a variable to considerer in this processes. As a whole, this kind of system can be consider as an alternative to promote the food security and sovereignty of the regions, through the supply of a market with local products.

Author Biography

Stephanie Porras Acevedo, Consultora independiente

Máster en Gerencia del comercio Internacional por el Centro Internacional de Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible, Universidad Nacional. Licenciada en Economía por la Escuela de Economía de la Universidad Nacional. Actualmente se desempeña como docente universitaria en la Universidad de Costa Rica y la Universidad Nacional, Sede Liberia. Es socia consultora de la empresa Asesoría y Consultorías Porras & Vásquez


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How to Cite

Desarrollo territorial de Guanacaste, Costa Rica desde el enfoque de sistemas territoriales de producción agroalimentaria. (2018). Revista De Política Económica Y Desarrollo Sostenible, 3(1).

How to Cite

Desarrollo territorial de Guanacaste, Costa Rica desde el enfoque de sistemas territoriales de producción agroalimentaria. (2018). Revista De Política Económica Y Desarrollo Sostenible, 3(1).

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