Potential of small circuits as a strategy for the construction of local markets
Case of cape gooseberry in Costa Rica
development strategies;, policy making;, physalis peruviana;, commercial policy;, agricultural production;Abstract
In this paper it is discussed the potential of the short circuits as a viable strategy to promote the construction of local markets. It is studied the growing of the cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana) in Costa Rica, considered nowadays, as an incipient agricultural product within the production set of the national agribusiness, which also shows great possibilities of exportation. This discussion is complemented with the obtained results from a study of consumer’s perceptions, which is fundamental to comprehend the national demand’s characteristics of this fruit. Growing cape gooseberry in Costa Rica is characterized by being a small family business, with a high participation of women who are producers as part of the labor force. The production is mainly based in the high areas of North Cartago and Zona de los Santos, in the south-center of the country. The study was done during the last trimester of the 2017 year and also January of 2018, and it considers documental analysis, consultation to the experts, and the implementation of an on-line survey, as part of its methodology. The invertigation concludes that the commercialization by short circuits adapts to the analyzed case, to which it is necessary to stimulate the principle of network-based governance among local producers. The marketing of this type of commercialization requires an effective support structure, including the identification of an agricultural policy that is in the same page with the dynamics of territorial development and the particular needs of each zone.
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