Innovación y crecimiento inclusivo en Costa Rica: El caso del sector lácteo
Agroindustry;, dairy industry, Economics, Sustainable development, Agricultural productsAbstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze the structure of the agricultural innovation system and its contribution to inclusive growth in the dairy sector of Costa Rica. The conceptual framework incorporates three main concepts: sustainable development, innovation systems and inclusive growth. Milk cattle ranching has been affected in the last twenty-five years by changes in primary production and the market. Consequently, the planning of processes for innovation has been the result of a set of historical and organizational dynamics strongly influenced by the participation of cooperatives and their productive development objectives. At least four priority axes are identified for the management of innovation and the competitiveness of the sector: genetic improvement, nutrition, pasture management and adaptation to climate change. We conclude that any effort to stimulate innovation and knowledge in the dairy value chain, should: (1) correspond to the objectives of the national development policy, (2) contain a perspective of territorial development and (3) consider reflective dialogue processes with the different actors in the management of learning and the establishment of synergies for collective action.
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