Institutional heritage and development
An analysis from historical-institutional categories
History, Institution, Religion, Economic Development, Social DevelopmetAbstract
The objective of this article is to study the institutional historical relationship of a group of selected countries and their stage of development. It is based on the premise that the process of institutional development should be understood as a continuum, not as a future state nor as something concluded in the past. The phenomena observed today are the result of their continuous evolution, their past and history. From the second half of the twentieth century to the present, institutional development has often been simplified into policy prescriptions and institutional transformations that obviate the complexity of the process. To address this approach, methodologically four categories of analysis are proposed, namely: Protestant and Catholic countries, Catholic colonies subdivided
into Spanish and French, and “new Europes.” These are compared using three indicators: the Human Development Index, gross domestic product growth rates, and Ease of Doing Business rankings. This article demonstrates how the historical development of countries can determine the institutionality they possess in the present, along with the performance of these, taking into account the antecedents of the Middle Ages and the beginnings of modernity in
the sixteenth century. It concludes that institutional legacies are evident in the present results of several economies and that these should be taken into account when planning and implementing public policy.
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