Economic measures of well-being

A glance at the current state of affairs




social welfare, economic and social development, socio-economic indicators, development policy, economic policy


The measurement of development and well-being is central to implement public policy. Appropriate measures must be necessary for the space in which it required to influence, and culminative and cumulative results is preferable. Nowadays, different indicators and metrics are developing, so navigating the field can be difficult without an idea of the big picture. The objective of this article is to make a brief review of the current state of affairs on the discussion of welfare measures. Considering objective and subjective orientations, the approach of resources, quality of life, subjective well-being is presented, as well as sustainability, which is a cross-cutting theme to all of them. Its main characteristics, advantages, and shortcomings are also shown, as well as possible relations and interactions between them. We conclude that appropriate metrics must be selected for a scientific and responsible implementation of public policy, those representative for the initial conditions and the incidence, as a synthesis between concreteness and representativeness.

Author Biography

Jorge Rodríguez Soto, Independent consultor

Currently is an independent consultor and writer, focused on interdisciplinary studies on issues of development, poverty, and behavioral economics. He has a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the School of Economics of the National University, Costa Rica.


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How to Cite

Economic measures of well-being: A glance at the current state of affairs. (2022). Revista De Política Económica Y Desarrollo Sostenible, 7(2), 1-8.

How to Cite

Economic measures of well-being: A glance at the current state of affairs. (2022). Revista De Política Económica Y Desarrollo Sostenible, 7(2), 1-8.

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