Labor Market in Costa Rica
Analysis of the Continuous Employment Survey (ECE) in the II quarter 2022
underemployment, labor market, occupation, economic reactivation, informal sector, unemploymentAbstract
Currently, the global economic context is complex. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic began, which generated effects on both health and economic systems. Since February 2022, Russia's invasion of Ukraine started, which has resulted in high levels of inflation and high energy uncertainty. As a result of these events and others, in the eight months that have elapsed in 2022 there has been a distortion of economic and social conditions at the international level, and Costa Rica is no exception. Therefore, in order to know the employment situation of Costa Ricans, in this article an analysis of the labor market was carried out for the II quarter of the year 2022, based on the results of the Continuous Employment Survey (ECE) of the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC). According to the figures, and according to the results of the analysis, the country has presented an improvement in terms of employment; however, there is still a long way to go to recovery, which is made difficult by the great international uncertainty.
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