Creación de competencias y capacidades en el subsector lechero costarricense
Co-operatives, Dairy sector, Human capabilities, Inclusive developmen, institutional innovation.Abstract
Productive dynamics of the dairy sector in Costa Rica, underwent significant changes as a result of its historical evolution. Because of these changes, institutional actors at different levels of implementation promoted the incorporation of innovations, including adaptation processes to the geographical and climatic conditions of the country. This study focuses on the innovation management of the dairy sector in Costa Rica. Its main goal is to analyze the process of capability building of the dairy farmers, considering the importance of knowledge management initiatives. We use a case studies methology to introduce three specific experiences of innovation and technology transfer in different places of Costa Rica. Results suggest that National System of Innovation of country plays a special role in designing of strategic working agenda, however, key aspects could enhance if knowledge management and capability buildings approaches are considered. Finally, the paper concludes that the promoting of community participation mechanisms is important to build collective actions and setting up institutional dialogues for the inclusive local development strategies.
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