Marx, dialectic, humanism of the praxis, Feuerbach, Hegel, Althusser.Abstract
In the present article, the author shows aspects of Marx's thought, starting from his own writings, to underline his rationality of economic and political action, contrary to the rationality of the market. In it, Marx claims the humanity of human beings as the central criterion for the human being himself. That human beings are the supreme beings for human beings is, according to Marx, a categorical imperative. Marx searches for what the author calls a humanism of praxis, which seems to be the core of his transcendental dialec- tic, and not simply Hegelian dialectic. This is very pertinent today, the author considers, since neoliberalism has brought an extreme form of capitalism interpretation, never before given in history, which implies the extreme abolition of the human. The aim of the author is to contribute to the thoughts about an alternative to the current destructive capitalism.
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