Decisions at the end of life: case of the nursing home association of Coto Brus


  • Roxana Hernández Vargas Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  • Randall Jiménez Retana Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  • Georgina Morera Quesada Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica



End of life, aging, illness, autonomy, vulnerability, decision making


The purpose of this text is to present the perceptions regarding the decisions in the end-oflife process of the residents of the Coto Brus Nursing Home. It is a qualitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study, in which 23 residents were interviewed. For data collection, a structured questionnaire was developed with 13 multiple-choice questions. The organization and presentation of the data, in the form of descriptive statistics, was carried out using Microsoft Excel software and for the presentation of the data, it was used as a Canva tool. As part of the conclusions, the importance of expressing expectations regarding advance directives was verified for the subjects. Likewise, the need to consider organ donation was discussed, as well as the family relationship as elements that require further exploration, due to the burden it entails for the participants.


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How to Cite

Decisions at the end of life: case of the nursing home association of Coto Brus. (2020). Praxis, 82.




How to Cite

Decisions at the end of life: case of the nursing home association of Coto Brus. (2020). Praxis, 82.

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