The university as a device of power-knowledge and the debate for university autonomy


  • Efrén Rodríguez González Universidad Técnica Nacional, Costa Rica



Biopower, discourses of truth, microphysics, technology of power


Michael Foucault invites us to identify the social links of power in the multidirectional historical evolution. This allows a better understanding of the changing and dynamic reality in which power relations develop through various strategies and techniques. Nowadays, public universities, belonging to the social network, are places of debate about freedom, autonomy, submission and/or resistance. This text describes the author’s rationale on power relations and their impact on university autonomy.


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How to Cite

The university as a device of power-knowledge and the debate for university autonomy. (2022). Praxis, 86.

How to Cite

The university as a device of power-knowledge and the debate for university autonomy. (2022). Praxis, 86.

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