Sublime Animal: Nature and desire in Clement of Alexandria


  • Daniel Vindas Sánchez National University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica



desire, sexuality, instinct, nature, animality, beauty


This article intends to understand, firstly, three notions related to desire in the work of the theologian of the second century AD Clement of Alexandria. These notions, aphrodisia, orexeis and epithymia, gather meanings that have been ambiguously translated and interpreted as ‘sexuality’; however, this paper intends to analyze more broadly and carefully the semantic and philosophical scope of those terms, as well as their treatment in the work of pioneering authors of the history of sexuality such as Michel Foucault, posing a review of the approach to Clementine’s work in his History project.


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How to Cite

Sublime Animal: Nature and desire in Clement of Alexandria. (2022). Praxis, 86.

How to Cite

Sublime Animal: Nature and desire in Clement of Alexandria. (2022). Praxis, 86.

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