Interconnections of differents areas of knowledge: philosophical, theoretical and practical elements


  • Rolando Mora Zelada Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica



Humanism, social sciences, philosophy and literature, art.


The Center for General Studies (CGS) at the National University of Costa Rica offers a broad and comprehensive curriculum of the Humanities, which is oriented to providing other Schools of the University with this complementary and integral pedagogical program. For this, the CGS has organized its curricular program into four basic knowledge areas: Arts, Social Sciences, Science and Technology, and Philosophy and Literature.

In this paper we intend to explicitly examine how the different courses offered by our program, contribute to the general capacity of our students in defining and analyzing different issues, as well as establishing the cognitive principles that permit such knowledge, which in turn allows them to grasp its intrinsic scope and meaning. The basic tool is the philosophical enquiry which allows to pose the appropriate questions, reflect upon the respective knowledge issues involved, and therefore to examine different crucial aspects of the human condition.


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How to Cite

Interconnections of differents areas of knowledge: philosophical, theoretical and practical elements. (2014). Praxis, 70, 97-116.




How to Cite

Interconnections of differents areas of knowledge: philosophical, theoretical and practical elements. (2014). Praxis, 70, 97-116.

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