The cateories of “the abstract” and “the concrete”


  • Roy Alfaro Vargas



Marx, dialectical method, history, science, historicism.


This article deals with the discussion on the categories of the abstract and the concrete, within the confines of the dialectical method. The analysis is performed into the context of the current capitalist crisis and the new boom of Marxism, focusing funda- mentally on some Anglo-Saxon authors (Lebowitz, Roper, and Banaji) who apply these categories to different subjects, but in a way totally disconnected from the true dimensions that these categories had for Marx. Finally, these categories are defined looking for clarity and consistence in its application. 


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How to Cite

The cateories of “the abstract” and “the concrete”. (2016). Praxis, 73, 19-35.




How to Cite

The cateories of “the abstract” and “the concrete”. (2016). Praxis, 73, 19-35.