On the lie’s truth and the truth’s lie
Truth, Lie, Daily lifeAbstract
This essay explores the topic of the lie and the truth as a problem resulting from a prejudiced interpretation of their presence in our daily relationships and social organization. It proposes the acceptance of a new type of approach in order to overcome this superstructural knot, which, as apposed to being moral and formally logical, is rather epochal, epistemological, erotic and contextual.
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Nietzsche, F. (1973). Sobre la verdad y la mentira en sentido extra moral. Argentina: Decleê.
Platón. (1984). La república. México: Porrúa.
Simmel, G. (2006). Sociología. España: Galaxia Gutemberg.
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La revista trabaja bajo la Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional; apartir de la publicación número 79 (2019); en publicaciones anteriores se trabajaba bajo una Licencia Atribución- No Comercial- Sin Derivadas 4.0 Internacional.