Mental Health Promotion Policy: Underlining Bioethical Aspects


  • Sara Mora Ugalde Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
  • Alexander Téllez Aguilar Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica



Bioethics, metal health, public policy, global justice, precautionary principle


Mental health is one of the areas that needs to be addressed as part of the spectrum contained in a comprehensive conception of health, it must be included in public policies of the government with particular importance. Mostly in a country in where the strengths include robust public health care system such as Costa Rica. Hence, the Ministry of Health presented the National Mental Health Policy in 2012 and it is meant to be concluded this year. This paper examines the principles and approaches defined in this policy through bioethical lenses. The results include the description of the ethical proposal mentioned and establish the importance of analyzing similar aspects in forthcoming proposals using bioethical knowledge.


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Como Citar

Mental Health Promotion Policy: Underlining Bioethical Aspects. (2021). Revista PRAXIS, 84.




Como Citar

Mental Health Promotion Policy: Underlining Bioethical Aspects. (2021). Revista PRAXIS, 84.

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