Literary creation and collective imaginary: Discussion on the concept of utopia in Latin American reality


  • Leonardo Merino Trejos Programa Estado de la Nación, Costa Rica



utopia, Latin American literature, Latin American society, historical context


This article discuss the concept of utopia concerning literary forms, in order to propose one who recovers this concept as a spirit from collective “imaginario”, expressed through literature as a human creation and expression. We also intend to review this concept based up to its expression in Latin America, where utopia is over the idea of site, gender, and regulator organizing model instead of an attitude of thought and a constant spirit in collective “imaginario”. Some concepts of utopia are reviewed to separate this one from the text itself and to tie it to its own “imaginario”.


Ainsa, Fernando. Necesidad de la Utopía. Montevideo: TUPAC-ediciones y editorial NORDAN, 1990.

Durán Luzio, Juan. Creación y utopía, letras de Hispanoamérica. Heredia: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional, 1979.

Goldman, Lucien. Epistemología de la sociología lógica y conocimiento científico. París: Gallirmard, 1986.

Hinkelammert, Franz J. Cultura de la esperanza y sociedad sin exclusión. San José: DEI, 1995.

Maturana, Humberto. Utopía y ciencia ficción, URL:

Ricoeur, Paul. Ideología y utopía. Bacelona: Gedisa, 1999.

Servier, Jean. Historia de la Utopía. Caracas: Monte Ávila Editores, 1969.

Trousson, Raymond. Historia de la literatura utópica. Barcelona, Península, 1995.

Vera, Juan Manuel. Utopía y pensamiento disutópico. En: Iniciativa Socialista, URL:ía.htm



How to Cite

Literary creation and collective imaginary: Discussion on the concept of utopia in Latin American reality. (2018). Repertorio Americano, 26, 105-111.



Artículos (sección arbitrada)

How to Cite

Literary creation and collective imaginary: Discussion on the concept of utopia in Latin American reality. (2018). Repertorio Americano, 26, 105-111.

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