Universities and the dilemmas of educational quality in the context of globalization


  • Danny Guzmán Esquivel Poder Judicial República de Costa Rica, Costa Rica




globalization, neoliberal models, educational quality, markets, critical pedagogies, decolonial pedagogies


The progressive weakening of state in Latin America has led us to times of
crisis, where the constant pressure from the powers at a global level have
forced governments to consider situations such as the opening of markets
and with this the breakdown of those institutions in charge to watch over the
social goodness. Immersed in an advanced capitalist system that constantly
obscures and transforms reality, we see how the educational field does not
escape from such circumstances affecting not only its structure, but also its
direction. Because of this, we could think of an education that instead of promoting
the integration of the subject to a system, looks for the emancipation
of the human being, but not in terms of industry and capital, but aim at the
emancipation of the human being towards the development of their tastes
and abilities, leading us to new alternatives.

Author Biography

Danny Guzmán Esquivel, Poder Judicial República de Costa Rica

Costa Rica. Licenciado en Sociología y
Máster en Estudios Latinoamericanos con
Énfasis en Cultura y Desarrollo de la Universidad
Nacional. Sociólogo del Poder
Judicial y Docente en la Universidad Latina
de Costa Rica.


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How to Cite

Universities and the dilemmas of educational quality in the context of globalization. (2019). Repertorio Americano, 28, 211-223. https://doi.org/10.15359/ra.1-28.14



Artículos (sección arbitrada)

How to Cite

Universities and the dilemmas of educational quality in the context of globalization. (2019). Repertorio Americano, 28, 211-223. https://doi.org/10.15359/ra.1-28.14

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