Critical Latin American pedagogy and its transformative element in the Spontaneous Theater: A work experience on the issue of labor discrimination


  • Francisco Javier Rodríguez Víquez Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica



Spontaneous Theater, Freirian pedagogy, Paulo Freire, Jacob Levy Moreno, transformation, Latin America, Costa Rica


In this article there will be a dialogue between a group experience facilitated
by the methodology of the Spontaneous Theater (T.E.) in its Workshop-function
modality and Paulo Freire's postulates on Latin American critical pedagogies
in the context of a hardware company. This work experience was
carried out to problematize the concepts of discrimination and harassment
in the framework of the implementation of the Labor Procedural Reform
(2018, Costa Rica). Throughout this, findings are presented that have coherence
between the praxis of T.E. and the theories of Latin American critical
pedagogies. Epistemological and ontological similarities of working with
T.E. with a critical Latin American vision on the importance of the role of
people in a group in the joint construction of social transformations regarding
a particular theme are shown.


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How to Cite

Critical Latin American pedagogy and its transformative element in the Spontaneous Theater: A work experience on the issue of labor discrimination. (2020). Repertorio Americano, 29, 53-63.



Artículos (sección arbitrada)

How to Cite

Critical Latin American pedagogy and its transformative element in the Spontaneous Theater: A work experience on the issue of labor discrimination. (2020). Repertorio Americano, 29, 53-63.

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