Walking the roads of La Aurora: Notes and thoughts on community insertion processes


  • Diego León-Páez Brealey Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica, Costa Rica




psychosocial change, community resources, community health psychology, community empowerment, community psychology


The goal of this systematization paper is to think over the experiences as an academic, researcher, and extensionist of the School of Psychology (EPS) of the National University of Costa Rica (UNA) about the project Community Action for Health Promotion: an experience in the Heredia-Virilla Health Area (ACOPOS), UNA code NFAG02, and the Graduation Seminar Health Needs and Resources of La Aurora de Heredia, focusing on the path between the phases of proposal and planning, to that of insertion and community intervention. It starts from a theoretical-methodological reflection from community social psychology, which delves into the experiences and concrete actions of this important step from the classrooms to the community. The methodological approach used in the mentioned works were the qualitative research and the participatory action research methodology. Research techniques such as observation, in-depth interviews, discussion groups and psychosocial mapping were used. This document also tries to demystify any reductionist -simplistic view of community social psychology that is taught in some university classrooms
and in institutions that work with communities, in which, although it is considered essential to rely on solid epistemological-methodological references, they result insufficient to carry out field work. For writing this article, an exhaustive review of the reports of the ACOPOS project was carried out, as well as the memory of the Graduation Seminar document. In-depth interviews and discussion processes were carried out
with the student-researchers involved in the Graduation Seminar. As a result of the thought procedure, it is found that although it is essential to carry out an adequate planning of a project of action and intervention in the communities from the institutions, this is only the beginning of a complex process of involvement in the socio-historical– cultural -psychological reality of the community, its institutions, groups, families and inhabitants. This allows us to conclude that it is essential that the training of students and professionals
who carry out research and community action, is not only in theoreticalmethodological elements, but also in aptitudes, attitudes and competences when inserting, interacting and intervening in and with the communities.


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How to Cite

Walking the roads of La Aurora: Notes and thoughts on community insertion processes. (2021). Repertorio Americano, 30, 133-150. https://doi.org/10.15359/ra.1-30.7



Artículos (sección arbitrada)

How to Cite

Walking the roads of La Aurora: Notes and thoughts on community insertion processes. (2021). Repertorio Americano, 30, 133-150. https://doi.org/10.15359/ra.1-30.7

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