Study and analysis of the story “The Happy Prince” by Oscar Wilde


  • Mauricio Méndez-Vega Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica



love, beauty, heart, short story, essence, space, spirituality, estheticism, happiness, swallow, Oscar Wilde, poverty, prince, richness, sensations, feelings


This article begins with a general introduction and then with a detailed explanation about the concept of the artistic movement called estheticism. Besides, the main representative authors are cited. Throughout the article, there is a biographic presentation of the Irish writer Oscar Wilde and there is a detailed study and analysis, according to the bibliographic sources and literary and technical concepts about his short story “The Happy Prince”

Author Biography

Mauricio Méndez-Vega, Universidad de Costa Rica

Costa Rica. Licenciado en literatura francesa (Universidad de Costa Rica) y magister en francés lengua extranjera (FLE). Académico de la Escuela de Lenguas Modernas de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Profesor de lengua francesa e investigador en temas de literatura francófona y literatura comparada.


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How to Cite

Study and analysis of the story “The Happy Prince” by Oscar Wilde. (2023). Repertorio Americano, 31, 259-284.




How to Cite

Study and analysis of the story “The Happy Prince” by Oscar Wilde. (2023). Repertorio Americano, 31, 259-284.

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