The marginal house as the imaginary space/nation


  • Ileana Molina-Espinoza Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica



house, nation, chicana, identity, culture


The concept of nation is indispensable for every individual and people. It is what creates a sense of belonging and cultural and national identity. In her
novel The house on Mango Street, Chicana writer Sandra Cisneros explores the construction of this space through the metaphor of the house. In this text, the protagonist Esperanza Cordero transforms the space of her marginal home into the equivalent of her nation, thus building a kind of imaginary country where she can take root and grow.

Author Biography

Ileana Molina-Espinoza, Universidad de Costa Rica

Costa Rica. Magister en literatura inglesa y tesiaria de la Maestría en literatura latinoamericana, ambas de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Académica de la Escuela de Lenguas Modernas en grado y posgrado.



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Cisneros, Sandra (1991). The House on Mango Street. NY: Vintage Contemporaries.

Chambers, Ian (1994). Migrancy, Culture, Identity. NY: Routledge.

Eliot, T. S. (1943). “East Cooker”. Four Quartets. NY: Harcourt, Brace and Company.

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Foucault, Michel (1995). “Space, Power and Knowledge”. The Cultural Studies Reader. NY: Routledge.

Olivares, Julián (1988). Sandra Cisneros’ The house on Mango Street and the Poetics of space. Chicana Creativity and Criticism: Charting New Frontiers in American Literature. Eds. Maria Herrera-Sobek and Helena Maria Viramontes. Houston, TX: Arte Público.

Pérez-Torres, Rafael (1995). Movements in Chicano Poetry. NY: Cambridge UP.



How to Cite

The marginal house as the imaginary space/nation. (2023). Repertorio Americano, 31.



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How to Cite

The marginal house as the imaginary space/nation. (2023). Repertorio Americano, 31.

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